
 About me.

My name is Romie Strydom, and I am the artist behind these dolls.

I have been making dolls since 1989. I was very fortunate to have found my passion in life all those years ago, and still strive everyday, to improve my skills in dollmaking, painting and sculpting. I thoroughly enjoy what I do and can’t imagine my life without dolls.

My baby dolls are offered in very small editions worldwide.. I only use Platinum grade silicone and love the results. I take a lot of care with my silicone babies as quality and finish is very important to me.

I am very grateful to my supporters and the collectors who buy my dolls, as without them I could not continue to do what I love.

Thanks for visiting my page and enjoy looking around.




NOTE:   All content on this web is copyright.  Romie’s Doll Studio 2025


Based in Florida, US
